Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holidays at Terrace

Tis' the season.
I've posted a few pictures of the holiday decorations
Chris and I put up the other night.  Maybe it'll inspire
some festive interior creations of your own!

There is nothing like stockings hanging
over the fireplace to bring Christmas
into your home ...and I'm a huge sucker 
for the old-fashioned-from-a-magazine look :)
The letters are from Pottery Barn and the lace was 
a vintage little touch~

We had left over glass ornaments that I couldn't bring myself to packing away, 
so I filled up old mason jars and placed them on our mantel for some added decoration.

The perfect string of adornment for our tree was a gift I received in the mail
from a friend in San Francisco.  Ten foot tiny little map cutouts for our tree
{my wanderlust is always surfacing somehow}!

Our finished driftmas tree!  
This year we wanted to create something instead of buying a tree, 
and were inspired by an image found.  We felt so proud of the turnout!  
We leave the lights on all day and all night to enjoy every last bit of our tree~


  1. Driftmss tree is my favorite tree, you should post it on you tube with olive reindeer and figero

    1. Olive the other reindeer and Figaro should have their own show! Thank you for the support papa <3
