Sunday, December 9, 2012


Weekends are for collecting...
And our flea market finds from this weekend
sent me into a happy daze:

We found he most beautiful dark teal antique ball jars
A piece I've been coveting for some time now,
an antique Mexican sarape- I'm in  l  o  v  e  e  e  !

Shout out to Figaro, my main subject of the photo.  Mew.

Forever extending my collection of seaglass, I always stop to stoop 
over the sand of the south side beaches when Chris and I take Olive for runs.  
These were the treasures I found.  Hard to see the color, but I was SO excited 
to uncover a rare piece of RED seaglass, shown in the middle left side of the image.

My seaglass in a bottle sits on our windowsill and collects sunlight, 
bringing in colorful light greens and browns to our home.

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