Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hello Anthro

Los Gatos welcomes the newest
Anthropologie store to it's Old Town, as of last Friday, June 29th.  And Anthropologie welcomes a new harvest of employees, myself included {!}
to collaborate with their exceptionally imaginative, innovative, and brilliant team
of designers.  As part of the opening crew, I was involved with visuals {the interior
design behind the scenes at Anthropologie} and was nothing less than positively thrilled
about it.  I've been so eager and excited to share these images with you {there will be
more... as the seasons change, so do our displays} and will continue to inspire the blog, and everyone who follows, with
photos and more photos.

xx Paige

This dreamland bedroom installation was created in just two days.  
The angular canopy of wood creates a juxtapose of sharp 
and soft, vibrant and subdued, interior and architecture.

Each room in Anthropologie transitions seamlessly into another moment of life. This room is referred to as Upstairs/Downstairs, where the kitchen {think Saturday morning, spatula, plates, apron, timer, coffee, coffee cup} fuses with the dinning room and the food collaborates with the friends,

... and life is enjoyed.

The rug below was hand made in Morocco {one of my favorite pieces}.  
Every mood-setting prop at Anthropologie is hand picked by Keith Johnson, who travels 
the world buying beautiful objects to stock and furnish each shop.  Dream job?!  That's my goal!


This display took hours of cutting up old jeans that were
salvaged from a nearby thrift store.  Each square was
individually {and mindfully} pinned to a cardboard circle,
thus originating this denim contained sphere.
Highlighting it is an antique yet operable spotlight..!

The hostess of the party is the grand chandelier in the front entry of the store.
It is constructed entirely of paperclips, some that have been painted to give it a hue 
of violet.  This display might have been the most time consuming- although I personally 
found stringing hundreds of paper clips together to be therapeutic ~

Our beautiful store front!  

The window display on the right reveals apricot blossoms made of paper mache, 
colored with natural dyes we made from beets and turmeric.  Apricots were a major export of 
Santa Clara County during the early 1900's {insider's knowledge on the motive behind the display!}.  

Walking through these french doors will offer an experience of many things, 
each person taking away something unique.  Come be apart of it!  
Visit us at Old Town Center: 50 University Avenue in Los Gatos.

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