Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sunset Shout Out

My favorite magazine, Sunset, featured Santa Cruz in their June 2012 issue.  Actually, they feature Santa Cruz often, as well as our neighboring towns, but I was happy to see Fogline Farm mentioned this time!  Fogline Farm offers a CSA (community supported agriculture) program where they grow, farm, and harvest produce to sell in weekly boxes to their customers.  Chris and I are apart of this program, and there is nothing like a fresh box of lettuce and chards and chives and strawberries and eggs and chicken and so much more! sustain us for the week.  Keep your eyes out for a post on Fogline Farm, coming soon!

Pick up a Sunset mag for the best summer recipes, 
creative party cocktails, gardening inspiration, 
day trip ideas, and much much more!

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