Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rainy Day Love

Today is Saturday and it hasn't stopped raining
since I woke up at 6.30am.  Which is fine, I'm
completely enjoying the sound of it on my
windows, the fresh smell of the redwood tree, 
and bundling up in a down vest and rain boots.
Rainy days are some of my best craft and creation
And since it plans to rain all day, Chris and I made a  
l o v e  headboard using reclaimed fence boards 
and a pretty teal paint for the cursive lettering.  
I'm so happy with the way it turned out! 

Pretty poppies on my windowsill help warm up the rain and wind and incoming winter.

I love bringing in fresh
flowers with warm colors
during the autumn season.
It helps lighten my mood-
especially when its so
cold I don't want to get
out of bed :(

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